….It takes only a few rotten minds to create hell in this country and we saw it happen for 30 years… Let’s call her Geetha. She was twenty year old, who was treated for the PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). She was admitted to the emergency unit twice, following suicide attempts with drug overdose and ingestion of insecticides. “This dakta (‘doctor’ in her accent) treated me when I got shot in the battle last year,” Geetha starts her usual ranting every morning, when she sees me. She told me this even on the very first day that she saw me in the medical ward. I’ve already told her a number of times that I was a Sinhalese doctor, who lived in Colombo and never had been to the North, especially during the days of the final battle. She agrees with me momentarily, each time I explain this, but the very next day starts again with the same talk about me being a Tamil doctor who worked for the terrorists. “How could you switch sides like this?” sometimes she scolds me. “Geetha, I’ve tol...
Stories from "the other end" — Living among them, working in the heart of the north where people struggled to heal and hoped to survive – This is my story.